Building Technologies | What Are Professionals Saying?

Happy Thanksgiving! As we prepare for the year-end and close out a great 2024, we also want to share some recent survey results from the field. Through 10’s of thousands of discussions with Building Technologies professionals across the country, here’s what your peer group has to say about hiring and employment in your industry.


Percentage of Employers That Anticipate Hiring Needs
Within 6 – 12 Months

Hardest Position to Fill: 

hardest position to fill

Fulfillment Level in Current Role:

fulfillment level in current role

Main Professional Frustrations:
(Most to Least Common)

main professional frustrations


Percentage of Candidates that are Open Minded
or Actively Seeking a New Role

Seeking Top Talent?

Collar is on a Mission to provide our Employer clients on-demand access to your industries most relevant and sought-after talent!

Seeking Career Advancement Opportunities?

Collar is on a Mission to provide our Candidate clients maximum access to the most relevant and compelling industry-focused opportunities!


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